
Duck Duck Go!

Recently I’ve starting using Twitter Search to find people talking about topics that interest me. One of my serendipitous finds was Gabriel Weinberg, who is reported to have single-handedly built a search engine called Duck Duck Go. I’ll suspend judgement on the name–after all, Beyond Search blogger Steve Arnold proudly calls himself an addled goose. […]


Google Is Sharpening Its Squares

As some of you may remember, I’m excited about Google Squared, a project I see as a great first step toward exploratory search at a web scale. Yes, I know that Duck Duck Go, Kosmix and others are already taking on this challenge, but it makes a difference to see Google throw its weight behind […]


Duck Duck Kumo?

I just read in Advertising Age that Microsoft is planning to spend as much as $100M on a marketing campaign for its new “Kumo” search engine. For perspective, that’s about as much as they spent to acquire Powerset, and almost as much as Endeca’s revenue in 2007. And they’re spending it on ads. I’m not […]


Exploring Nuggetize

I’ve been exchanging emails with Dhiti co-founder Bharath Mohan about Nuggetize, an intriguing interface that surfaces “nuggets” from a site to reduce the user’s cost of exploring a document collection. Specifically Nuggetize targets research scenarios where users are likely to assemble a substantial reading list before diving into it. You can try Nuggetize on the […]


Kosmix: I’m Impressed

One of the recurring objections to exploratory search is that it can’t work for the web. For example, some folks at Microsoft Research presented a poster at HCIR ’08 explaining what they see as daunting challenges to implement faceted search for the web. I’ve often plugged Duck Duck Go as an successful example of exploratory […]


Yahoo: BOSS Ain’t Free

In lyrics whose authorship seems disputed between Barrett Strong and John Lee Hooker, we learn: The best things in life are free But you can keep ’em for the birds and bees Now give me money, that’s what I want. Well, the good news from Yahoo is that, judging from today’s announcement, they seem serious […]


Social Utility, +/- 25%

I like Google… I’ve been a regular Google user since the day I first discovered its existence in 1999. Indeed, I’ve consistently found Google to be the most useful service on the web. That’s not love, but it’s a very strong +1. Moreover, I’d say that my preference for Google is an informed one. I’ve […]