
New Toys from Hunch

I’ve been following Hunch for a while, and my impression has evolved from the initial skepticism with which I greeted it a year ago (to the day!). Given the track records of co-founders Caterina Fake and Chris Dixon, perhaps I should have expected their success at obtaining traffic and funding.  But what interests me more is that […]


Hunch Has Launched

For anyone who has been waiting to try Hunch (which really is a “decision engine“) but didn’t manage to snarf an invite, today is your lucky day: Hunch has launched. They’ve added some new features too–for example, they offer a faceted navigation interface that lets you bypass their ordering of the questions in the decision […]


Catching Up With Hunch

Last week, I stopped by the Hunch office to learn more about what they’re doing, as well as to contribute my own thoughts about socially enhanced decision making. I consider Hunch, like Aardvark, to be an example of social search, but I recognize that I use the term in a broad sense. Perhaps, as Jeremy […]


I Gotta “Hunch” You’ll Wanna Check This Out

It’s all about who you know, and this week I was lucky to meet one of the investors in Hunch, a decision-making tool from Flickr founder Caterina Fake that “gives you its best hunch” of what you would like when you’re feeling indecisive. It made a big splash today and is the top story on […]


An Open Letter to the USPTO

Following the Supreme Court’s decision in Bilski v. Kappos, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) plans to release new guidance as to which patent applications will be accepted, and which will not. As part of this process, they are seeking input from the public about how that guidance should be structured. The following […]


Questions. But Why?

Yahoo! Answers and have been around since 2005. But community question answering (as distinct from question answering using natural language processing) has witnessed a resurgence of popularity–at least in the blogosphere and among investors. Quora and Hunch are two of hottest startups on the web, and Aardvark was acquired by Google earlier this year. Most recently, […]


Peter Morville’s Keynote at Enterprise Search Summit

This morning’s Enterprise Search Summit keynote was by Peter Morville, who has written a number of best-selling books about information architecture. I’ve known Peter for a while and had the pleasure of serving as a reviewer for his latest book, Search Patterns, but had never seen him present this material live. As you can see […]


Qui, Quae, Quora

A friend of mine at Quora invited me into their private beta a couple of weeks ago, and by now I suspect that many of you are using it–especially since I’ve somehow managed to be the top hit for [quora invite]. Speaking of which, I appreciate that those of you with spare invites have continued […]


Blogs I Read: Chris Dixon (

I’ve started reading a few different blogs in the past months, and one that I particularly like is Chris Dixon’s, which has the simple (if uncreative) title Chris has an interesting history that includes heading R&D at a hedge fund, co-founding SiteAdvisor, investing in a number of technology companies (including Skype and Postini), and […]


Aardvark Burrows Out Of Beta

I just received an email from Max Ventilla, CEO of social search startup Aardvark, to let me know that Aardvark is now open to anyone who wants to sign up. Well, anyone with a Facebook account–but I can’t imagine that there are many people who are curious to sign up for a service like Aardvark […]