
Twitter Discovery Engine?

I wandered over to Techmeme a bit late today and was greeted with a blaring headline from Twitter co-founder Biz Stone: “The Discovery Engine Is Coming “. Twitter, search, and discovery–that’s enough to earn a click-through from me! But I’m not quite sure what they have in mind.

They say that their integrated search will look something like this 2008 sketch:

Search integration sketch from early July 2008

Hmm. That still feels like their current search to me, only with a different layout. Am I missing something here? When I hear “discovery”, I expect something a bit more exploratory. What I’m reading leads me to believe that they’re working on tightening up the interface, but that they’re not making any significant changes to the functionality. I don’t mean to sound ungrateful about improvements to a service I’m not even paying for, but I am a bit disappointed.

Is there more to this? After all, the blogosphere seems really excited about it, and I’d like to be too. Can anyone help me out?

By Daniel Tunkelang

High-Class Consultant.

2 replies on “Twitter Discovery Engine?”

Search results are incorporated into the same page rather than opening a new page. Also can save searches on the same page.

Not “discovery” as you think of it.


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