
Text Analytics Summit: Early-Bird Discount

I’m giving a presentation on “Enabling Exploration through Text Analytics” at the 5th Annual Text Analytics Summit, which will take place June 1st-2nd in Boston. Check out the agenda and line-up of speakers; you’ll find some impressive names.

June is far away, so why am I posting about this now? Well, as is usual for conferences like these, there are early-bird registration discounts. To get the cheapest option, you should register by Thursday, March 27th. Better yet, enter my name in the promotional offer box and you get another $100 off. And no, I don’t get any kickbacks. 😦

I am fully aware that conferences like these are expensive, and that budgets are tight. But if you are in a business that could benefit from better text analytics and can afford to attend (and hopefully the discounts make that more of a possibility), then I encourage you to do so. Education is the best investment you can make in order to maximize the value of your investments in information technology, whether you buy or build.

Also, to the best of my knowledge, all of the speakers are invited and their participation is not predicated on any kind of corporate sponsorship. This is a big deal when it comes to industry conferences; the last thing you want to do is pay a lot of money for glorified sales pitches. These guys are putting in the effort to deliver quality content. I hope to see some of you there– let me know if you’re attending!

Of course, if you’re Endeca customer, I urge you even more strongly to attend Discover ’09, Endeca’s annual user conference, where I’ll be talking about “Money for Nothing and Your Tags for Free“. It’s also in Boston in June: June 8th to June 10th.

By Daniel Tunkelang

High-Class Consultant.