
SIGIR ’09 Industry Track: The Details You’ve Been Waiting For

Several weeks ago, I announced that I’d be organizing the Industry Track at SIGIR ‘09. Some of you offered helpful suggestions, and many people expressed excitement at this opportunity to bring together the too-often separate worlds of research and practice.

Today, I am proud to share more details about the Industry Track. It will take place during the regular conference program, on Wednesday, July 22nd. Everyone who signs up for the full conference program (July 19th – 23rd) will be allowed to attend the Industry Track sessions at no extra charge. There will also be a one-day registration option.

But the reason you’ll want to be there is the incredible set of people who will be presenting during this full-day event:

We will also have a pair of panels devoted to enterprise search:

For researchers, the Industry Track provides an opportunity to learn about the industry side of information retrieval from some of its leading lights. In particular, it brings together the major players from both web search and enterprise search.

For industry practitioners who may never have heard of SIGIR before, let alone attended one of its conferences, the Industry Track offers an unprecedented opportunity to learn about the science and technology of information retrieval in a vendor-neutral, analyst-neutral setting. All without paying an extortionary registration fee.

Finally, for everyone in the space, this is an incredible professional networking opportunity. I look forward to seeing you there!

By Daniel Tunkelang

High-Class Consultant.

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