
Making Whuffie

I know it’s unseemly to brag, but I’m very excited about the feedback I’ve gotten about the “Reconsidering Relevance” presentation, and I wanted to share that excitement.

Here’s some of the whuffie I’ve received:

I’m looking forward to posting the video, which I’m told will be available early next week,

By Daniel Tunkelang

High-Class Consultant.

2 replies on “Making Whuffie”

Congrats, your whuffie is well deserved. I only wish I would have known Ender in Exile was a good book for the beach before my trip last week. I will keep an eye out for the video. By the way, if possible, please don’t use the term whuffie again. If social media “gurus” catch wind and re-use this word I may have to stop using the internet altogether.


I’ll confess that I haven’t made it to Ender in Exile yet–just finished Xenocide and am about to start Children of the Mind. I hope Orson Scott Card (or his publisher) appreciates all of this product placement!

As for keeping the word “whuffie” away from the social media “gurus”, it may be a bit late:


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